Home » Reservations should continue in jobs and politics – KCR

Reservations should continue in jobs and politics – KCR

by Rambabu.D
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Reservations should continue in jobs and politics - KCR

KCR – Dalit reservation is a necessary safeguard against the tyranny of the majority. If this protection were removed in some parliamentary constituencies, would Dalits have any chance at winning seats? Only by creating conditions that allow historically disadvantaged communities to compete on equal footing with others can we hope for true justice and equality in society.

This matter touches on two different concepts – fairness and history. It is widely accepted that fairness requires treating everyone the same way, but historical context should not be ignored when making decisions about public policy or law. And sometimes these two principles conflict with each other: how do you balance what’s fair now against what happened before?

The current reservation system has its roots in India’s long history of caste-based discrimination. For generations, people at the bottom of society have been denied education, employment opportunities and even dignity simply because they were born into a particular community considered untouchable by others higher up in social hierarchy.

This arrangement may seem unfair on surface value: why should someone suffer for crimes committed centuries ago? But without special provisions like reservations, those who have always had power will continue holding onto it indefinitely – forever excluding anyone else from ever having chance at gaining influence within societal structures themselves.

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